For parents & FAQ’s

Hello Parents/Guardians, we want to give you some information especially for you! We want to start by sharing some commitments that we have for you as parents.

  1. We want to commit to providing a Jesus-centred weekend for your teen to be encouraged and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

  2. We are planning a wholesome God honouring program. We believe all the guests and speakers to be excellent individuals that love Jesus.

  3. We ask all of our leaders and support staff to go through an online training course to help explain our child protection policy.

  4. We will have excellent on-site First Aid providers that are well acquainted with the variety of medical concerns that we see throughout the weekend. They will oversee and dispense all prescription and non-prescription medication, (with the exception of some rapid response medication that may need to stay with students) treat minor injuries, and assist local first responders in the event of a more serious injury.


to Parents


frequently Asked Questions

What do I need

to pack?

  • Clothes for 4 days

    • Include outdoor clothes, active clothes/shoes

    • Please choose clothing that won’t draw inappropriate attention and that isn’t offensive to others.

  • Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothbrush & toothpaste, deodorant, etc)

  • Towel

  • Bedding

    • Sleeping Bag & Pillow

    • Air mattress or sleeping pad. (there are only enough beds for half of the registrants)

  • Money for meals while travelling to and home from Abundant Springs

  • Any equipment needed for specific sports (street hockey sticks, volleyball knee pads, indoor shoes, etc)

  • Bringing a physical Bible is encouraged

  • When considering bringing electronics and other valuables, please remember that dorm room doors will not be allowed to lock.

    • Valuables can be locked up in a storage room, but can only be accessed at the beginning and end of the weekend.

Will First Aid providers

be able to handle


Medical Concerns?

YES - our First Aid providers are very experienced in dealing with most medical conditions.
If you have a concern about a condition that needs more significant support, please make note of this on the registration card and notify your youth leader. Upon arrival you will meet with your leader and the First Aid providers to make them aware and establish a care plan.

If you have additional questions please contact the EMC Office

I don’t feel safe

sleeping in a dorm room,

are there options?

- Rooms will be assigned based on the sex of the registrant (There will be separate buildings for females & males)
- Rooms will house 4 people and will have dorm style washrooms
- We recognize that there are circumstances in which you may not feel safe sleeping in a dorm room and sharing washrooms.

If you have a significant concern, please contact your youth leader. The youth leader will then contact our registration staff and discuss options moving forward.

Please note that there may or may not be solutions that meet your request, but we will do our best to find a safe accommodation option.

How much money

do I need to bring along?

You will need money for your meals while you travel

  • All meals and activities while at Abundant Springs are included in your registration

There will be an offering taken that will support an EMC Missions Project. You can choose to contribute to this.

  • Cash, Debit and Credit Card will be accepted

There will be Abundant Springs merchandise available for purchase at the event

  • Cash, Debit will be accepted

  • There will also be opportunity to order and prepay for merchandise beginning near the end of March. If you want to guarantee that you get what you want please pre-order as we will have limited stock at the event.

What about cellular


- The National Youth Committee’s policy is to encourage students to engage with the people that are in person at the event and not be spending significant time on their devices. We encourage all attendees to bring a physical Bible so that their devices and potential distractions can be left in their pocket during sessions and workshops.
- In the past, there have been individual groups that have chosen to “hand in” cellular devices during the event. That decision is at the discretion of each group’s leaders.
- Please speak to your youth leaders to find out how your group will handle cellular devices.

Is there a student code

of conduct?

All Students attending Abundant Springs are expected to…

- Follow and respect the direction of their leaders and Abundant Springs Staff
- Attend all sessions and workshops
- Treat fellow retreaters with respect with their speech and actions
- Respect the facility and the community of Caronport, SK.

  • If there is damage to the facility please report it to security immediately.

- Not consume tobacco products, alcohol, products containing marijuana, or illegal drugs

  • If tobacco needs to be consumed, it will need to be consumed at a designated area and have a leader present

Failure to follow this code of conduct may result in a student needing to be picked up or taken home at the parents expense.

Have questions that we haven’t answered here?

Please ask your local youth leaders.

If they don’t have an answer gladly contact the EMC Office.

